- Superlinear drifts trigger finite-time blow-up in kinetic consensus dynamics, Mathematisches Kolloquium, Department of Mathematics, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, November 2024. (Invited seminar).
- Condensation effects in kinetic consensus dynamics, Workshop Recent Advances in Kinetic Theory: Modeling, Computation, Westlake University, Hangzhou, PRC, August 2024. (Invited talk)
- Condensation effects in kinetic consensus dynamics, Workshop Scientific Computing and Data Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 2024. (Invited talk)
- Micro-macro stochastic Galerkin methods for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with random data, Minisymposium Novel Kinetic Approaches in Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification, ECCOMAS Congress 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2024. (Invited talk)
- Trends to equilibrium for many-agent systems in swarm manufacturing, Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, University of Parma, Italy, April 2024. (Invited seminar)
- Trends to equilibrium for many-agent systems in swarm manufacturing, Cassini Workshop Evolution Equations and Functional Inequalities, University of Bergamo, Italy, March 2024. (Invited talk)
- Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations of plasmas with uncertain data, Minisymposium Recent Advances on Quantifying Uncertainties in Kinetic Equations, SIAM UQ24 Conference, Trieste, Italy, February 2024. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic modelling and control of multiagent systems with missing information, Workshop Modeling, analysis, and control of multi-agent systems across scales, Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy, January 2024. (Invited talk)
- Impact of interaction forces in first order many-agent systems for swarm manufacturing, Research Training Group Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics (EDDy) , RWTH Aachen University, Germany, January 2024. (Invited seminar)
- Kinetic modelling and control of multiagent systems with heterogeneous social features, Department of Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK, November 2023. (Invited seminar)
- Kinetic modelling and control of multiagent systems with missing information, Workshop Control Methods in Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, MFO Oberwolfach, Germany, November 2023. (Invited talk)
- Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations of plasmas with uncertain data. French-Korean International Research Laboratory in Mathematics, October 2023. (Invited online talk)
- Trends to equilibrium for Fokker-Planck equations in swarm manufacturing. XXII Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione 9 – Matematica e Applicazioni, University of Pisa, Italy, September 2023. (Invited talk)
- Trends to equilibrium for Fokker-Planck equations in swarm manufacturing, HYKE-Hwarang Day, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, August 2023. (Invited talk)
- Trends to equilibrium for nonlocal Fokker-Planck equations with discontinuous drift. MS ‘Many-agent systems and mean-field models for socio-economic and life sciences dynamics’, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM23), Tokyo, Japan, August 2023. (Invited talk)
- Trends to equilibrium for nonlocal Fokker-Planck equations with discontinuous drift, Workshop Multiscale phenomena in continuum mechanics: singular limits, out of equilibrium and transitions, Palermo, Italy, July 2023. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic modelling and control of multiagent systems with missing information, Workshop Collective and Self-Organised Dynamics: Kinetic and Network Approaches, University of Parma, Italy, June 2023. (Invited talk)
- Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations of plasmas with uncertain data. Conference Numerical Aspects of Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems, Palazzone di Cortona, Italy, June 2023. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic modelling and control of epidemic dynamics with social heterogeneity. Online talk, University of Graz, April 2023. (Invited talk)
- Interfaces between kinetic models of collective phenomena and data science. HYKE Research Group, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, January 2023. (Invited seminar)
- Uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations of emerging phenomena. BIRS-CMO Workshop on Kinetic Equations: Recent Developments and Novel Applications, Oaxaca, Mexico, November 2022. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty quantification for many-agent systems. Thematic Program “Computational Uncertainty Quantification: Mathematical Foundations, Methodology, and Data”, Workshop 5 on UQ in Kinetic and Transport Equations in High-Frequency Wave Propagation, Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), Vienna, June 2022. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic modelling and control of epidemic dynamics with social heterogeneity. XXI International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, Catania, Italy, June 2022. (Contributed talk)
- Uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations of emergent phenomena. Research Training Group Energy, Entropy, and Dissipative Dynamics (EDDY), RWTH Aachen University, May 2022. (Invited seminar)
- Uncertainty quantification for kinetic equations of emergent phenomena. Program Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK, April 2022. (Invited online seminar)
- Kinetic modelling and control of epidemic dynamics with social heterogeneity. Infectious Disease Outbreaks (IDO) Seminars, February 2022. (Invited online seminar)
- Kinetic and macroscopic models for epidemic dynamics. 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Minisymp “PDE models in the life and social sciences”, June 2021. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic models for epidemic dynamics. Conference “The Legacy of Carlo Cercignani: from Kinetic Theory to Turbulence Modeling”, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, May 2021. (Contributed talk)
- Uncertainty quantification and control for emerging phenomena. Electronic Spring Workshop “PhD in Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences”, University of Pavia, Italy, May 2020. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty quantification and control for collective phenomena. Workshop on Emergent phenomena – from Kinetic Models to Social Hydrodynamics, part of the thematic program on “Quantum and Kinetic Problems: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics and Applications”, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore, December 2019. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty damping in kinetic models for collective phenomena. XXI Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione 9 – Modelli e Applicazioni, University of Pavia, Italy, September 2019. (Invited talk).
- Kinetic-controlled hydrodynamics. XXI Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione 8 – Fisica Matematica, University of Pavia, Italy, September 2019. (Invited talk).
- Uncertainty damping in kinetic traffic modelling by driver-assist controls. TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, August 2019. (Dept. Seminar)
- Uncertainty damping in kinetic traffic modelling by driver-assist controls. MS ‘Mathematical descriptions of traffic flow: micro, macro and kinetic models for a complex phenomenon’, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019), Valencia, Spain, July 2019. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic-controlled hydrodynamics. MS ‘Novel concepts in model-driven optimization and control of agent-based systems’, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019), Valencia, Spain, July 2019. (Invited talk)
- Structure preserving gPC schemes for kinetic equations. MS ‘Computational methods for model driven optimization and control under uncertainty’, 28th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, June 2019.
- Monte Carlo gPC methods for kinetic equations with uncertainties. Workshop on Asymptotic Methods and Numerical Approximations of Multi-scale Evolution Problems and Uncertainty Quantification, École Normale Supérieure, Rennes, France, May 2019. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty damping in kinetic models of collective phenomena. Workshop on Control Theory and Applications, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy, March 2019. (Invited talk)
- Kinetic-controlled hydrodynamics. Workshop on Numerical methods for multiscale control problems and applications, University of Verona, Italy. February 2019. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic Equations of Collective Behavior. Mini-Workshop on Innovative Trends in the Numerical Analysis and Simulation of Kinetic Equations, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. December 2018. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic Equations of Collective Behavior. Autumn School “From Interacting Particle Systems to Kinetic Equations: Modelling, Control & Numerical Methods”, University of Verona, Italy. November 2018. (Invited lecture)
- Control Strategies for Road Risk Mitigation in Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Traffic Modelling. Conference on Kinetic and Transport Equations: mathematical advances and applictions, University of Parma, Italy. October 2018. (Contributed talk)
- Control Strategies for Road Risk Mitigation in Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Traffic Modelling. Workshop on Problems in discrete dynamics: from biochemical systems to rare events, networks, clustering and related topics – IV Edition, Arcidosso, Italy. October 2018. (Invited talk)
- Stochastic Galerkin Methods for Kinetic Equations of Collective Behavior. Session ‘Advances in Kinetic Theory’, Joint Meeting UMI-SIMAI-PTM, Wrocław, Poland. September 2018. (Invited talk)
- Control Strategies for Road Risk Mitigation in Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Traffic Modelling. IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. July 2018. (Invited talk)
- Boltzmann Games in Heterogeneous Consensus Dynamics. MS ‘Inverse problems and optimal control approaches in socio-economic applications’, IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. July 2018. (Invited talk)
- Stochastic Galerkin Methods for Kinetic Equations of Collective Behavior. Workshop on Kinetic Theory for Control, Games and Uncertainty, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. May 2018. (Invited talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic and Mean-field Equations. Convegno Nazionale GNCS 2018, Montecatini Terme, Italy. February 2018. (Invited talk)
- Opinion Dynamics over Kinetic Networks. SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Baltimore, USA. December 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Hybrid Stochastic Kinetic Description of 2D Traffic Dynamics. Workshop on Finite Volume Schemes and Traffic Modeling, Laboratoire de mathématique de Besançon, France. November 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Hybrid Stochastic Kinetic Description of 2D Traffic Dynamics. Department of Mathematics IGPM, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. November 2017. (Dept. Seminar)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic and Mean–field Equations. Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, UK. October 2017. (Dept. Seminar)
- Opinion Dynamics over Kinetic Networks. Workshop on Problems in discrete dynamics: from biochemical systems to rare events, networks, clustering and related topics – III Edition, Arcidosso, Italy. October 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Mean-field Equations in Social Sciences. XVII Italian Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations, University of Pavia, Italy. September 2017. (Contributed Talk)
- Opinion Dynamics over Kinetic Networks. 27th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, University of Strathclyde, UK. June 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Structure Preserving Methods for Mean-field Equations with Random Inputs. Warwick EPSRC Symposium: Emerging PDE models in Socio-Economic Sciences, University of Warwick, UK. May 2017. (Contributed Talk)
- Structure Preserving Methods for Mean-field Equations with Random Inputs. Department of Mathematics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. May 2017. (Dept. Seminar)
- Structure Preserving Methods for Meanfield Equations with Random Inputs. School on Uncertainty Quantification for Hyperbolic Equations and Related Topics, GSSI, Italy. April 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic Equations in Socio-Economic Sciences. SIAM CS&E 2017 Conference, Atlanta, USA. March 2017. (Invited Talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Kinetic Models of Collective Behavior. Summer School UQ for Applied Problems, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Bilbao, Spain. July 2016. (Contributed Talk)
- Modeling and Control of Opinion Dynamics on Networks. International Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Multiscale Phenomena: Modelling, Analysis and New Applications, Stellenbosch, South Africa. January 2016. (Invited Talk)
- Stochastic Multiscale Modelling of Ion Transport Across Membrane. Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy. December 2015. (Dept. Seminar)
- Uncertainty Quantification in Control Problems for Flocking Models. Department of Mathematics, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany. June 2015. (Dept. Seminar)
- Mean-Field and Boltzmann Control of Socio-Economic Systems. 27th IFIP TC7 Conference 2015, Sophia-Antipolis, France. June 2015. (Invited Talk)
- Uncertainty Quantification in Control Problems for Flocking Models. Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA. March 2015. (Dept. Seminar)
- Uncertainty Quantification in Control Problems for Flocking Models. SIAM CS&E 2015 Conference, Salt Lake City, USA. March 2015. (Invited Talk)